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Get ready to imagine a better world with PKU.

At PTC Therapeutics, we know that caring for someone with Phenylketonuria (PKU) isn't easy. Managing their PKU is about more than just keeping Phe levels in check—it affects their day-to-day life in many ways. From following a strict PKU diet to challenges in their social life, it can feel like a lot.

But remember, you and your loved one are not alone in this journey.

Together, we aim to reimagine a future where people with PKU
and their care partners like you can live more freely.

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Sign up today to be among the first to receive updates from PTC Therapeutics about the future of PKU management. We look forward to working closely with you and joining your extended team.

All fields are required.

By clicking sign up, I attest that I am a care partner, 18 years of age or older, and have read, understood, and agreed to all the Terms and Conditions.

Share insights

Please take a moment to share your insights and experiences with us when it comes to caring for someone with PKU.

1Which daily responsibilities are most demanding?
(Select all that apply)

2What’s your biggest challenge with sticking to a PKU diet?

3How has managing PKU affected the social and emotional well‑being of the person you care for? (Select all that apply)

4As a care partner for someone with PKU, how has managing the disease impacted your personal life?

5Are there any areas where you need additional support or resources? (Select all that apply)

6How much time each day do you spend planning for/managing PKU?

7What impact does managing PKU have on your daily life?

This site is intended for US audiences only.

The information on this site is not intended to make a diagnosis or to take place of talking to a US healthcare professional.

© 2024 PTC Therapeutics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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